Friday, 24 April 2009

24 04 2009

It has been three days already since I back to Hong Kong from Notts. I thought that I would have a busy life in this month, but the fact is that I've spent most of the time in my room, I know I look like a lonely freak, yet I'm enjoying my life now, so just fuck the rest.

Frankly speaking, there is another reason keep me home, as I told most of my friends I put on so much weight say 2xpounds in 3 months, and I almost lose all my confidence to go out and meet the people I know, I hate to see myself swell up more and more day by day! I blame that on the monotonous UK life as there is NO entertainment execpt drinking and eating which makes people fat, and in order to kill time there, I was absolutely out of control on drinking and eating! Therefore, the first thing I have to do in Hong Kong is to lose some weight, don't try to induce me man!

And the reason that I stay in my room and face the stupid laptop most time is that mum's brother, my uncle and aunt plus one of their friends came to our place as visitors, they are good people, but if you know me well, you should have known that I feels uncomfortable staying with people who I don't live with. Also, I wanted to spend more time with parents, sister and brother, the family time, however I didn't cuz mum need to show them around, chill out with them ( thats understandable but I really want to stay with her!) . I can't do anything I like in the living room, so I chose to stay in my room, it's pathetic.

At a certain point, somehow I felt like I had never been to UK, everything is just the same as 3 months ago and I'm having my routine. So I think the fats inside my body is the only proof to remind that I've been to notts.

oh damn Im sleepy.

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