Sunday, 30 November 2008

I’m the cooking mama!

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I stood alone looking at the sunset, It’s beautiful! It might sound weird but being alone is what makes me happy for most of the time. But remember being alone is not equivalent to being unhappy.Sometimes you need that time to think through your life! More importantly,I’m afraid if I’ve been accustomed to someone, once I lose that person I’ll get mad. I don’t want to take the risk! And, when you are willing to scarify for that person, what I mean “scarify” requires someone to give without the need to take, but that imbalance causes deep instability, I won’t let that happens again.

What’s more, I lose my faith in humanity…sigh…cuz there are too many bad examples around me, being faithful, cheating, divorce…..whatever…I’m right to sit on the side lines and watch the game. ;-) It hurts, It seriously does!

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