Friday, 26 December 2008

Christmas eve


Happy Birthday to Hazel and Merry Christmas!
This is the happiest Christmas in my life :)
The 1st was taken in a hotel named ROYAL GARDEN at TST and the 2nd was outside club Fevar.

Special Thanks to Fanny! She rocked my world that night!

Thursday, 25 December 2008

that is

The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with. 

Monday, 22 December 2008

22 December 2008 - 26 days left

Time flies, things change.

I can't believe that I'm gonna leave my family, my friends and my everything that soon.


Friday, 19 December 2008

Friday, 12 December 2008


did someone hit me secretly?
there are lots of bruises on my body!
or there is something wrong wth my blood?

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Beloved friends

20081208 – Julien’s Birthday
20081209 – CoCo’s Birthday

Me,Belinda,Hazel,Fanny,CoCo,Julien,Tania,Che and Nate dined in Ruby Tuesday in Causeway Bay. I’m sorry for being late for over 30mins, but I was stuck in SSP, It took more than 15mins to walk to the MTR station!


im sleepy now,and i’ll update my blog after i get the photos from che and coco.i love u all my dear friends!


Tuesday, 9 December 2008


ok,here’s the pics we’ve taken on jul’s and coco’s birthday.damn drunk that night!

check out my facebook for more!

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Friday, 5 December 2008

busy week!

I'm quite busy these days! I don't have time to update my blog! :)

I miss all of you! Can't wait to meet you guys on Monday!
We're gonna have fun without you! You know what, I thought you're just a stupid guy only, not a bad guy, but after you did that to me and my friends, I really hate you, so just shut the fuck up and get away from my world! So you think your name will be on the birthday cake? Absolutely NO! I won't do that, cuz you are nothing to me and my friends! Bye Bastard!

Monday, 1 December 2008


I'm Coming!

I want to go to Ireland after I saw P.s. I Love You, Hahaha, Obsessive!
Irish Boys I'm Coming!

Sunday, 30 November 2008

I’m the cooking mama!

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I stood alone looking at the sunset, It’s beautiful! It might sound weird but being alone is what makes me happy for most of the time. But remember being alone is not equivalent to being unhappy.Sometimes you need that time to think through your life! More importantly,I’m afraid if I’ve been accustomed to someone, once I lose that person I’ll get mad. I don’t want to take the risk! And, when you are willing to scarify for that person, what I mean “scarify” requires someone to give without the need to take, but that imbalance causes deep instability, I won’t let that happens again.

What’s more, I lose my faith in humanity…sigh…cuz there are too many bad examples around me, being faithful, cheating, divorce…..whatever…I’m right to sit on the side lines and watch the game. ;-) It hurts, It seriously does!

nice song from JUNO-tire swing

I took the Polaroid down in my room
I'm pretty sure you have a new girlfriend
It's not as if I don't like you
It just makes me sad whenever I see it
'cause I like to be gone most of the time
And you like to be home most of the time
If I stay in one place I lose my mind
I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with

Joey never met a bike that he didn't wanna ride
And I never met a Toby that I didn't like
Scotty liked all of the books that I recommended
Even if he didn't I wouldn't be offended

I had a dream that I had to drive to Madison
To deliver a painting for some silly reason
I took a wrong turn and ended up in Michigan
Paul Baribeau took me to the giant tire swing
Gave me a push and he started singing
I sang along while I was swinging
The sound of our voices made us forget everything
That had ever hurt our feelings

Now I'm home for less than twenty-four hours
That's hardly time to take a shower
Hug my family and take your picture off the wall
Check my email write a song and make a few phone calls
Before it's time to leave again
I've got one hand on the steering wheel
One waving out the window
If I'm a spinster for the rest of my life
My arms will keep me warm on cold and lonely nights

Sweet November

Someone told me that “if you wanna cry, watch Sweet November then, it’s touching and I’m sure you will cry……” ,and, I watched it tonight, but I just think It’s a bit ridiculous! P.s. I Love You is much better than it! I don’t really appreciate it though, but the last conversation between Keanu and Charlize impressed me, life is imperfect but memories can be perfect, it’s so stupid! Even she’s suffering from cancer, the time they’re sharing is still perfect and beautiful!CUT THE CRAP!

Saturday, 29 November 2008

to my dearest

no matter what you do n what you choose

i just want you to be happy
i don't want to hurt by someone
don't get lost don't lose your sanity
we'll love you always


I feel nothing for you but pity.I am very sorry that your life has not turned out the way you hoped it would.I'd rather feel pain than nothing! I know I'll be fine.

so smart so nice

I like boys with strong convictions
And convicts with perfect diction
Underdogs with good intentions
Amputees with stamp collections
Plywood skinboards ride the ocean
Salty noses suntan lotion
Always seriously joking
And rambunctiously soft-spoken
I like boys that like their mothers
And i have a thing for brothers
But they always wait til we're under the covers
To say i'm sure glad we're not lovers

You're so nice and you're so smart
You're such a good friend i hafta break your heart
Tell you that i love you then i'll tear your world apart
Just pretend i didn't tear your world apart

Friday, 28 November 2008

a well-behaved kid

Just got it from Julien today, the only normal photo of us that night!lol, it was taken on 22/11, we were on the way to 7-11 for alcohol and brought them into club no.9 secretly, haha:) cuz drinks inside are fucking expensive!!!!!

Anyway, I had lunch with Nate and a german guy (sorry I don't remember his name but he's friendly) today, and Julien tried to get a new jacket and lens for camera so we went to the festival walk for a look. To be perfectly honest, It's a difficult mission for me, I know where to get some cheap and good quality clothes for girls, but for guys, I have no idea at all! At the end, we didn't buy anything, just went to McDonald's for McFlurry, HAHA! sucks!

Since sister returned to HK, somehow I feel like I'm being locked up again, I can't go out whenever I like, I can't talk freely with my girls cuz our conversation included some sensitive contents cannot be disclosed to others (HAHA) ,etc. I just dont want her to mad at me for anything, so I am a well-behaved kid now.I know going out too much at night is bad for me, but I can't change my lifestyle immediately! I MISS MY HOME (:D) ! I MISS MY GIRLS!I MISS OUR CRAZY MOMENTS!GIRLS,WHEN WILL WE GO CAMPING AGAIN???

Btw, 2 friends of my parents are going to stay at our home overnight tomorrow, they are so-called "VIP guests" (sort of).thats mean I have to stay at home for the whole day again, mum is so irritable today, I know she has to do lots of works for tomorrow, I tried to help her but I got nothing instead of her bad-tempered reply. Frankly, I was pissed off...but anyway, everything'll be ok soon except my shitty feelings. alright, stop whining now! gotta get my ass back on study! BYE!

Thursday, 27 November 2008


Juno juno_contact

The plot of JUNO:
Juno may seem wise beyond her years, but after sleeping with classmate Bleeker , the pregnant teen quickly realizes how little she really knows about life. Thankfully, Juno has been blessed with parents who trust their daughter's judgment, and a best friend named Leah, who's always willing to help out in a pinch. With a little help from Leah, Juno soon comes into contact with Mark and Vanessa -- an affluent suburban couple who have been unable to conceive a child of their own. Mark and Vanessa seem like they would make great parents, and are eager to adopt Juno's unborn child. Now, as adolescent Juno is faced with a series of very adult decisions, she will draw on the support of her family and friends in order to discover who she truly is, and discover that one bad choice can have a lifetime of consequences.

Letting Go

Sometimes you just have to let go…holding on tight will only be hurting yourself more. Letting your loved one go is another way to say I Love You. I have no idea what’s gonna happen, but I have to be able to stand on my own feet should the worse every happen. I would preserve that bit of space in my heart just for you guys, and look back upon with gratefulness that I was able to share that precious moments with you, instead of nothing or even hating :D

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

P.S. I Love You

Finally I watched P.S. I Love You tonight! It’s much better than I thought! I love Gerry so so much, he’s the best man ever, but as we all know, It only happens in what we called “movie”, not REALITY! My eyes are in bad condition now, seriously It’s not a good choice for you to watch before you go to bed!

P.S. I Love You took me on an emotional journey tonight, my mind was a bit out of control when I was watching this film, I was smiling and crying at the same time cause I feel like I can relate to it somehow.It is just relatable, how would I act if I was completely grief-stricken with nothing to comfort me? What would I do? I can’t stop thinking the tear-jerking scene in which Holly listens to Gerry's voice-mail message over and over. Unlike other romantic movies, the ending sweet and beautiful instead of frustrating vulgar!

Another nice song -All I Want Is You

I would like to dedicate this song to my GREAT GREAT GREAT family and friends. :D Please pay attention to the lyrics! If my parents knew English、I would sing it to them cuz this song express my thoughts absolutely!
If I was a flower growing wild and free

All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves
All I want is you、will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you、will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were a river in the mountains tall、
The rumble of your water would be my call.
If you were the winter、I know I'd be the snow
Just as long as you were with me、when the cold winds blow.
All I want is you、will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you、will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were a wink、I'd be a nod
If you were a seed、well I'd be a pod.
If you were the floor、I'd wanna be the rug
And if you were a kiss、I know I'd be a hug
All I want is you、will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you、will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
If you were the wood、I'd be the fire.
If you were the love、I'd be the desire.
If you were a castle、I'd be your moat、
And if you were an ocean、I'd learn to float.
All I want is you、will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you、will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

actually i think i can translate them into chinese and sing it to dad n mum、because the lyric is a bit like the sentence "你是風兒我是沙」or something like that in chinese! (It’s so ANTIQUE :P )


sister asked me to download this song few days ago, she told me it’s a song from the movie “P.S. I LOVE YOU”. Actually I borrowed this movie from the video club before, but I had no time to watch it! Plan to watch it online tonight cuz she recommended it to me strongly, she said she’s in love with the dead husband after she had watched it :D btw, I feel like I’m walking along a seaside and singing with my family,friends…enjoying that lovely moment when ‘m listening to it! ::ENJOY::

Sunday, 23 November 2008

crazy pics

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Lively Life

I’ve spent the whole night on watching HOUSE season 5 on Friday.I was a bit upset by the episode named “birthmark”, it sounds stupid, but sometimes I just can’t stop thinking about that…
then I got at 4sth, rushed to cafe de coral for its coffee again, cuz the coffee only costs $6 from 2-6p.m. and it tastes so good. I think I’m addicted to it seriously, I have to drink at lease 2cups per day!
Then I played mahjong with my family, lose almost $200 to them, but I am happy that I can have fun with them, share happiness with them : ) Honestly, they are the most important part of my life, without them my life would suck (though sometimes they are the main source of miseries in my life).

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After the family activity, I hang out with my sister again, she’s a crazy bitch and she’s definitely MAD!!!Julien was here too cuz he told me its damn bored in his dorm, Nate was studying and so no one was with him…blah blah blah, anyway, he joined us. Last night, there was a special function in the club, a DJ named Daddy.k. (or sth like that),I don’t exactly know the DJs stuff, what I want is drinking ,dancing and doing stupid things with my beloved friends! We had breakfast in McDonald's before we went home, sis was on diet so she didn’t eat much, but for me and jul, each of us ordered 2 set meals plus a harsh brown, haha WE WERE HUNGRY ASS!

Saturday, 22 November 2008

I love the world!

I found mine!
can u find yours?

: )

Stronger :-)


I read some posts from my private blog that I wrote long time ago. People says “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”,Its definitely true! I have almost forgotten the pain and hardships that I went through until I read my postings again. The only thing I know from my postings is that I am actually stronger than I thought, I am able to overcome the hard time…the most important thing is that the sufferings made me be me, show me how I became “me”.

Be a good girl


I have spent most of the time on reading and studying this week, since my sister has returned to HK on Saturday, so I have to act like a GOOD KID again. :D Actually I feel a bit upset for staying at home for the whole week, I mean I want to have fun at night again, I want to spend time with my friends again, I want to go drinking again,etc. But now, I can’t go out at night without permission anytime, I can’t doing stupid things whenever I want…… though it really makes me feel bad and restricted sometimes……I’m glad that sister is with me now :-] Maybe It’s time for me to stop clubbing and drinking…(just for a short break :P )

Frankly, it seems like when I am feeling down, I have nothing to do except drinking and dancing, hoping that somehow, I will get some relief during the time. I am not a alcoholic but when I feel sad sometimes I feel like I am dying inside slowly if I couldn’t get alcohol, that’s really bad. On the other hand, I like drinking with my friends, sharing the great time with them…so that means I like drinking all the time,LOL. Seriously I SHOULD QUIT!I am going to change!

At the beginning of November, I experienced depression again so I chose to stay alone for a short period. Maybe its because I like to keep things to myself or its due to my high self-esteem that I do not wish to let others know about my depression cuz its just a mild depression, nothing important or serious about it. You know, its just like you are feeling down for nothing but yourself for a particular period. Its not necessary to let anyone know, right? :)

I have decided to pen my feelings down so as to remember the day, the day I feel so sick of life…and to treasure everything I have now. CHAOS! ++

x Vicky

Friday, 21 November 2008

well,I have no idea what’s going on with this “windows live writer beta”.i just clicked it carelessly.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

what to do when things go wrong?

I am confused! How can i make myself feel better? Somehow,everything has been changed. I told my good friends that I think I am not living in the real world now cuz I don't really know "myself". When I look into the mirror, I can't see myself, It's just a stranger...